Hi. My name is Kelley
Kirker and i officially feel like Marcia Brady. You know... when she's in love with her dentist.
So, i need to back up. Last night i babysat for two UH(for effect)
dorable babies. (Sidebar: i can scarcely remember a time when i had more one -on -one bonding time with infants. not bad... just loud. but who doesn't love snuggling with chubby babies and still being able to watch, "the Real Housewives of Orange County" because they can't retain info yet?!) I digress... right, so i was watching babies and pulled a stunt that i was, at the time, impressed with. I managed to be lying down on the ground playing with them and, not a moment later, magically (while holding both) in one fell swoop, got to my feet. I managed to then rock both in my arms on a "glider"
simultaneously. i mention this because if you were on the fence about whether or not you liked me and you were just waiting for a reason to be impressed and, therefore, approve of me- now you have it. As i left the home where i was babysitting, I felt a twinge of pain. nothing bad. just a reminder that i am not 19.
I woke this morning and, no exaggeration, could not stand up straight. leaning, like the Tower of Pisa, i started my day. This reminds me that i am, in fact, a
Kirker. We are a people
UNafraid of back pain. Just ask my shrinking father. (sorry to sell you out, dad. the story needed it. you're still 6' in my heart.)
Well, after helping a friend with a "mail-out", i made my way over to the Green Hills Chiropractic office. The fine people of this establishment made me feel as though i joined a sorority/fraternity today. Such a warm family feel. They all learned my name. That means a lot. Well, as i waited with all the other spinal impaired, i noticed a looker of a man. i thought to myself, now HE is handsome. Just then, i launch into the largest and least attractive yawn i have ever experienced. something came over me. i made the UGLY face. you know... when people try and hide it. utter deformity. As
Murphy would have it- he looked over at that precise moment. strike one.
McManly, as he will now be known, then disappeared into the distance as i looked around the corner, hoping he would look back and appreciate my new posed smile. I then head into my exam room so excited about some relief from the pain. After my new fave chiropractor, Dr. Barrett assessed me, she lets me know that Dr. so and so will be coming in to do some initial pin pointing of pain. As soon as i remove my outer layers of comfort,
McManly comes through the door. of course. Sitting there less than half dressed with a meager gown to cover me, i turned PURPLE as he smiled and entered the room. strike two. actually strike two and a half. it was pretty bad. So... he looks me over, we have some friendly banter. (i joke when i am nervous. or sad. or happy. or awkward...) He leads me to the x-ray room where he asks about my weekend. i divulge that
theres a fabulous party i am looking forward to. he asks for more information and i FREEZE up on inviting him. Now, you need to know, i carry invitations for just such a random invite opportunity. and i froze. After some treatment and massage (Heaven will have massage), i tell myself, "if he's in the office when i go to leave, i will invite him". i go pay. he's there. i freeze. I don't deserve to wear my headband (with mistletoe on it) tomorrow evening if i can't pull it together for ONE invitation. he made me so nervous! Later, Sarah June went back, in an act of heroism, to drop off invites for our new friends. she brought her 'A' game while i brought no game at all.
Alas- I am sitting (more comfortably) writing to you at 10:30pm on a
Friday night because i have a legitimate school girl crush on
McManly and i don't care who knows!!
Maybe he'll show up to the Christmas Party. That idea alone will have me awake for a while. I am a hopeless romantic after all. darn.
Something tells me that i, like Marcia, will be coming up with reasons to revisit my new favorite doctors office. Who's in?