Wednesday, February 11, 2009

just busy, that's all

I'm not missing, kidnapped, wounded, lost or bewildered.

Just busy.

But, I have been drinking lots of water whilst being busy. AND the weather has been pristine. A gift from the Lord, no doubt. Its like when you are SO parched and that first sip of cool water makes its way down your throat and you can feel it work its way to your dry organs. Anyone with me? THAT is what the promise of Spring is to me!

Happy.. .just busy. That's me.

Also, we're down to a week until we find out mom's path reports. Waiting is for the birds...


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Mom is sitting up and looking at me right now. If you had said at 7pm last night that she would be smiling and eating, I would have called you a liar. I just need to go on (a very sleeeeeeepy record) as saying that coming out of anethesia (as well as a surgery that should have taken a fraction of the time), is HARD. Mom was in a lot of pain which was really hard to see. I found myself saying, "Lord, we just need to get through the next 12 hours. PLEASE get us through the next twelve hours".

Let me re-cap a little:

9am- we arrive at the hospital that looks like a dorm at my old University.
9:30- My friend John arrives and entertains me for the rest of the day with diversions like a field trip to Best Buy to procure a copy of "The Sandlot"- a favorite of mom's. What a guy! My Godfather Pete, my parents' pastor James and our family friend Rebecca all sit with us and wait.
11am- We sit in the waiting room while mom is in Pre-Op. Acting doped up on meds already. She wasn't. She just gets giggly when she's nervous. We laughed a lot.
1p- Mom's surgery actually begins... and lasts until 5:30p. A procedure that we were assured would take no longer than two hours. It seems she had such extensive scar tissue from previous surgeries, that the surgeon had to handle that before even doing the scheduled surgery.
5:30p- after MUCH relaying of info to my sweet twin/bro in law and lots of pacing, praying, and admiring SNOW... we hear all is well. Dr. Skinner seems to think the surgery is contained in the uterus, has been successfully removed and won't need further treatment! The pathology will come back next week on the biopsies of the lymphs, ovaries, etc. but she seemed confident. :) I'm trusting that.
7pm- I finally see mama... who's miserable.

She's a BRAND new woman who is lapping the third floor as we speak. She's amazing. Quite a good patient, to be sure. This hospital was NOT the answer, but she's ok, so whatev. But seriously... I have been unimpressed.

Phase two- get her home and keep things continuing to heal!

Thanks for praying, friends. Mom (and dad and me!) can feel it!!

- k

Monday, February 2, 2009

...on the western front

the results were ALL CLEAR for my scans! The reduced vision in my right eye is a mystery, but thank the sweet Lord that there is not a chance of a tumor, so that is a HUGE RELIEF!

Now, on to help mama through the next few days. Pray on, pray-ers.

love love!