Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Can't Win for Losing...

Poor B.

Is anyone else hopelessly devoted to "The Biggest Loser" airing on Tuesday evenings on NBC? Not to be confused with all the awesomely motivational archived episodes airing on higher cable channels, of course.

Well, this girl is a loyal Blue Team, Red Team, and now Black Team enthusiast. Only in America could we live sedentary lives, eat rubbish, and then roll over ten years later to discover we're obese. Only in that same America could we then capitalize on such a sad state by asking rotund people to bare their moobies (man boobies... keep up) and back fat week by week as we reward them for the care they should have always been taking of themselves. ALSO only in this America would we give them $25,000 and numerous prizes along the way. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Now, don't hear me knock it. I am just pointing out the (hopefully) obvious. To say i tune in each week puts it mildly. I think about the show when its not on. Its like Bob is whispering in my ear during that impossible sculpt class on Monday nights. I feel so motivated when the show comes to a close that i am more likely to want to exercise than snack... and thats saying a lot. That is, until this week. I mean... of course, when they showed the most recently axed player looking trim and dedicated at home, i got newly energized for my own family competition. The only problem is that it was Bryan who got sent home. He lets me call him B. Sweet, sweet B. I just couldn't be happy this time. In the past, the ones eliminated drove me nuts anyway. I think i actually said, "oh good... anyone but B" once or twice. There's a dedicated viewership at my house. Chelsea joins Anna, Adrienne, and me each week to sit down and soak in the wonderful treats the DVR has to deliver to us minus commercials. (God Bless technology, while He's at it!) Chelsea was first to open my eyes to the appeal of B. He flew under my radar at first. As she pointed out his utter lovability, i fell victim to his boyish charm. I am now wondering if its out of line for me to find a way to send him a card with a diet cherry coke with vanilla from Sonic.

Basically, i feel like a friend got kicked out of the club today and i want to kick back. Poor B.

You know who else i feel for? My sweet twin who spent the night snuggling with her toilet as a result of a stomach bug. She just sounded so darn pitiful on the phone today. Thank goodness Chad is still as perf as i believe him to be... he even called my nurse mom to make sure he was doing everything right to care for her. Have i mentioned i love him?? I love you, Kris, but don't go thinking this gives you the lead... i shall win this!

So, in long, i would like to raise a glass to the efforts of Bryan- you're the Biggest Loser in my book. Lose on, loser. Lose on.


GJ said...

I DO miss B. I do. But I'm so glad to have that horrible trainer what's-her-name (as I choose not to remember it) off the show that I'm also slightly happy. But sad. But also happy.

Leslie McCaskey said...

I love the biggest loser. It's my first season to watch and I am fully addicted.