Tuesday, April 21, 2009

U is for Unbelievable

It is unbelievable how repulsive this "lemonade" tastes when allllll I want is a piece of food. The funny thing is that I am not craving anything in particular. Nothing sounds good. I just miss chewing or something. I guess that explains the pack of Orbit I blazed thru yesterday and, thus, the headache I had ALL night. I also want to break myself of the over-the-counter pain killer addiction I have, but I HAD to crack, people. I wasn't sleeping. I needed just a couple Ibuprofen. Today will be a better day- no gum. No...anything, kinda.

Day two is, allegedly "nothing" compared to day three. THAT is the day you realize, "I'm intentionally not eating anything and, on top of that, I'm flushing what IS going in to my body OUT with salt water. I'm smart".

Here is what I'm hoping are the benefits to this cleanse (in case, like me, you are wondering):
1. The expulsion of toxins and what not
2. Any sort of improvement in my right eye- I'll take anything I can get.
3. Lose a few pounds wouldn't hurt!
4. Clarity and abounding energy I've heard so much about.

Is it Tuesday? Oh gosh...

By the by, I'm going to do something of a montage for the video diary. Its just not cute, people.


Conner said...

Kelly, I wish you the best of luck on this and will be praying that is A LOT easier for you than it was for me. By the evening of night two, I was in tears and quit. We have friends that did it for the whole ten days and felt AMAZING afterwards. So from them I hear that if you are able to complete it, it is totally worth it. Good luck!

Kelley said...

OH my word- i'm pretty sure i would eat my own finger right now if it were dipped in ranch.

I honestly can't stomach that mixture any more. the Cayenne is killing me. I'm going to whole foods in a few momentos to get a hold of some cayenne capsules- hopefully that does the trick. i SO don't want to quit, but really... do i hate myself this much?? hahaah

Anonymous said...

you can do it kelley! if i can go 6 weeks with nothing solid, then you can do 10 days easy!

but, oh my - i would kill for just a single french fry.

Kelley said...

you're totally right, duane. I will say, though, if you tasted this mixture... you'd understand. :)

i hear you on the french fry, though. i'll treat you to a delicious bag of them upon the return of chewing.


M♥LLY said...

You are strong, Kelley! S-T-R-O-N-G. Say it, like a mantra. :) I could never do it! I tried a 6 day juice fast and ate after 48 hours. Who's your insane friend that doesn't eat for 6 months??

Kelley said...

haha- no, it is 6 weeks. Duane just had HUGE jaw surgery and not able to have anything but liquids for a little while longer, poor guy.

I'm thinking 5 days would be a huge victory at this point. :)

Anonymous said...

thanks kelley! i will take you up on that bag o' fries in just a couple of weeks!

keep the focus - you can do it!