Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What did I ever do to a bird?!


hootenannie said...

Seriously. My favorite thing of the day.

junebug67 said...

I heard about this last night. Thanks for the visual!

Kristin said...

hahah kelley! this is seriously hilarious. love you sugar. i'm sad we never see each other!

Snacks and Desserts said...

i just almost spit crystal light through my nose. unreal.

Cameron said...

payback from the cousins of chickens and turkeys, maybe . . . hope you are not allergic to urea.

Chelsea Lesniewski said...

i said it once and i'll say it again. that. is. unbelievable.

y'all should see it through the sunroof... it takes 'making it rain' to a whole new level.

charlotte said...

i can't stop laughing... i love you....and a bird did the same thing to sam's brand new canoe he got for christmas..... i just showed read...and he started laughing too..... said...

ill be honest. i just DIED laughing.
that is ridiculous. said...

Geeze Louise. It's like the birds were the Luftwaffe and your car was London.

The Armisteads said...

favorite post ever.

Meg said...


Rebecca M. said...

That is amazing! rock my face off.