Friday, March 5, 2010

TGIF: Nostalgia Eddish

Two incredible things set this Friday apart, my friends.

NOT only does this world's most awesome Brother in Law come through town tonight....but.....


**Thank you, Annie, for the tip off... I spent WAY too many hours (watching this show as a kid) to miss such an epic reunion. Kris, can I get an amen?**

This will be a hoop-filled, music-filled (video promo for "City in the Round" here), fun-filled weekend. Can I squeeze house guests, Hannah's Bachelorette party, Hoop walking 8 miles, Organizing a friend's basement, Co-hosting a night o' music, Preparing a week's worth of anti-inflammatory foods, church, a work "Beer and Tapas" evening (plainly I'll be a bystander), lunch with a friend, the Oscars AND some sleep??? 

we. will. see. 

If its one thing I love.. its a challenge.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

hilarious. i LOVED California Dreams. They definitely never got the props they deserved. Thanks for link to the reunion. Made my day.