Friday, January 25, 2008

Films for 2008

We're off to a good start, folks!

I have a pretty diverse taste in films. I can go for the silly chick flick just as easily as the dark indie film. 2008 is bringing it so far!

i "recommend" (read, "if you watch it and like it- you're welcome. if you are offended and it makes you want to change your opinion of me... well... we're probably not close".) the following:

1. There Will Be Blood- masterful. disturbing. i am still thinking/talking about it. genius.
2. Juno- brill! kinda 2007, but you know what i mean.
3. Bucket List- mom and dad will LOVE it! so cute.
4. Margot at the Wedding- real. inventive. totally different role for Jack Black- which he masters.

there will be more... for which i am quite excited! what are some of your favorites thus far?

i bid you all g'nite.

uh... TFIG?

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