Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hitch in My Giddy-Up

TBS- Why you gotta mess up a girl's routine?

You *know* I watch Fresh Prince of Bel Air every morning from 8a-9a and STILL you toss up the morning programming.... to include "Just Shoot Me" and "Home Improvement"??? You know I can't wake up early to watch FPOBA 7a-8a. C'mon!

I don't even like Just Shoot Me.

This morning, I was forced to watch "The E True Hollywood Story: Miley Cyrus."

It was cute and I love her.... but still.


freshie (and zero) said...

I watched that True Hollywood story and it made me love Miley. There, I said it. She's adorable and trying very hard not to become some crazed Hollywood starlet.

freshie (and zero) said...

Oh and I loathe Home Improvement.