Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can it be?


As I made my way to work this morning, I was (of course) listening to lite rock hits on 92.9. The DJs (whom I tolerate in favor of commutes with ".38 special" and Christopher Cross) started chatting about the today's theme....ya know, like, "ninja day" or "bring your pet to work day".

It turns out THIS is the day's theme on this momentous 09.09.09 day.

Adam will be so sad...

On an unrelated note, I feel a bit lost without my days of challenges. Sure, I get to relax and sleep more, but.... I'm A.D.D. ok?


Beloved said...

Um, we want to hear how the actual birthday was! Cats or no cats! :)

Kelley said...

it was SO FUN! I can't wait to get a hold of pictures taken that night! (That is the last time I opt against bringing my camera). :)

I felt quite loved and celebrated! I even got a pretty princess cupcake!

It was a fabulous party Friday and then a wonderful weekend in SC with Kristin/Chad and mom and dad came too! All in all- I had a blast!