Sunday, September 20, 2009


1. Sean just unlocked the mystery of girls like Chelsea and me. We're the marrying kind...? At least that's what he said to Ben about Felicity (in an effort to explain why she's not the girl you date... because that could be "all she wrote"). Dudes.

2. I need to get more strategery (lay off me, its an intentional misspelling) with respects to watching my Fall line up. There's FNL (IF IT EVER COMES BACK), Glee, The Office, 30 Rock (when does that start again?), The Hills, Private Practice, The Biggest Loser, assorted Bravo shows (that can be recapped every couple of weeks if necessary), So You Think You Can Dance, The City, Family Guy (same category as Bravo) and Mad Men! A new addish may be Cougar Town? I just love Courtney Cox. Plus, I had a "friend" tell me that I would be a cougar if I had a child. That's just low. Anyway, its gonna be tricky to fit it all in, but I am committed to pop culture... that and I have just always loved a good story.

3. Some days are meant to be spent inside. Like when it will not stop raining and there's showing back to back episodes of "Flipping Out".

4. The world feels small. Is there anything more fun than connecting by way of mutual friends?

5. Popcorn is a good dinner.

1 comment:

JC said...

your tivo just read your blog and committed suicide - "blew the eff up"