Wednesday, September 22, 2010

old people injury

I think I have one, that is.

Let me back up.

Last night, I had an extremely energizing evening of organizing (mostly preparation for organizing) with my friend Alice. I really love order, so it left me with so much energy! I decided to go home and use some of that energy for good.


And, thus, I think I've pulled something in my right shoulder playing Wii tennis.

But that backhand was. worth. it.



HANNA {the contented soul} said...

My husband hurt his shoulder pretty bad this weekend while we were camping. Orthopedic surgeon said "frayed tendon and severe inflammation". Got an MRI to make sure there wasn't a tear. We should know more tomorrow. If you cannot lift your arm very well (extreme pain), perhaps you've done the same? I HOPE NOT!

Kelley said...

oh gracious- Hanna! That is terrible. Your poor hubs.

Fortunately mine is just sore... that lingering pain that reminds me to go home and squeeze in a game at lunch... like today.


Chelsea Lesniewski said...

whaaaaaaaaat??? when did you get a WII???

Kelley said...

oh, ya know... bday. Its like when the kids all go off to school and the parents get awesome cable and new furniture. ;)

Come back- i have two words for you:
Mario. Kart.
