Tuesday, October 27, 2009

purposely poked.

on Saturday I entered a world my mother has long enjoyed... homeopathics.


Now, in the words of my father, yes- I did get holes poked in to my body and payed for it. It wasn't even so much a response to a particular injury or ailment. It was mostly...no.. totally due to the fact that i purchased a "spa package" for insanely cheap and it included some acupuncture. Genius!

So, half an hour of lying on my tummy breathing thru a hole in the cushion with pins strategically placed about ma body left me feeling... drunk. Weird, right? I stood up and almost hit the floor. I felt like I'd either had too much wine or had been sleeping deeply for hours. It was bizarre! Especially because I'd not even dozed off once. Plainly the pins are magic. duh.

So the real test was, naturally, going to be found out the next day. I got some pins in my right ear for stress relief, so it was hard to tell, on a Sunday, if it worked. I'm never stressed on Sundays. So, the true test was *actually* yesterday.

And, y'all.... I think it worked.

I had just as much work to do in *less* time than usual and didn't get stressed! Well... Chelsea would beg to differ as I contemplated throwing our wireless router out the window last night, but still. In general, I did not get overwhelmed once! I even rocked a smile all day long. I think.

So, now my goal is to step it up and try acupuncture again for other reasons. Devoted reader Jackie says that it was the cure for her mother's smoking habit. WHAT if pins make me a svelte body builder? [side note: when we were little, Kristin called women body builders "lizard ladies" and I still think its the best description I've heard].

So, operation pin prick is ON, bizzles!


Jonathan said...

Lizard ladies... perfect!

Jackie said...

Lizard ladies? Oh, goodness, ya'll were hilarious even as little "bunnies." Keep us posted on your next adventure of getting purposely poked!