Sunday, October 4, 2009

Champagne and Cornbread

What a weekend!! Champagne and Cornbread seems a good summation of the fun. It was a lovely celebration filled weekend but also some good comfy downtime. Plus- what a combo! :)

I'm going to have to separate this into three sections:

(a) Magical Wedding Celebraysh:
Saturday brought not only PERFECT fall weather but also the nuptials of one David and Summer (Decker) Branch! The ceremony was great- especially due to the lovely tune-age of Neal and Stevie. Afterward, we all walked to the Decker's amazing home! This was the backdrop for an, honestly, magical celebration. With a bunch of friends, we ate, drank and danced our hearts out- all under a huge moon and clear, cool weather. It was all that my new little dress hoped for. We rounded out the evening by hitting up Mel's 25th birthday party at the JAM house (for Julie, Annie and Melissa... they're fabulous, fyi). It was quite a night for fun! :) Here are some pics of this magical affair! (shout out to the one and only Jessica Allen for her general awesomeness and photographic prowise).

(b) Breakfast for Two Hundred
I had my first experience helping to serve breakfast at Downtown Presbyterian Church yesterday morning. It was both a giant wake- up call to the need in our city as well as heart-warming. Folks were wrapped around the building to get a meal.... a meal they can count on (rain or shine) without fail. Downtown Pres gets it. They invite forgotten people into their "home" and let them eat to their heart's content. I only wish there had been time to sit and talk with folks. It was a quick process. Still, I love the golden opportunities that allow me to step away from my comfort and see real life. I'm grateful.

(c) WHIP IT!
Ok. I'm not one for smooth transitions. If you have read this blog for any amount of time, you know this. Today's final installment will be no exception! I saw the cutest movie last night!! "Whip It" was strangely motivational and absolutely enjoyable! It made me want to grab some skates and come up with a "roller girl" name! Maybe I would be Bruiser Betty or something more awesome...? Nevertheless, the movie was great and one part jumped out in particular. There's this one scene where Juliette Lewis (whose hair i adore in this film!) says it took her until she was 31 to find the thing she loved and was really good at. I think I identify with the whole notion of giving myself permission to "find" the thing I do really well! Plus, it is just enticing to think of doing something so fun and daring. Maybe my roller derby will be salsa dancing? Who knows. But be warned... I am shopping hobbies.

Here's to Monday, "Fresh Prince" coming back on from 8-9a again (!!!!!), and Fall still sticking around!


Beloved said...

1- Is that Chris Rice?
2- You are already a chef. You do that effortlessly, breezily well. And you're not even 31.
3 - love you.

ps- is that Chris Rice??

Kelley said...

well THANK you, shoog! :)

and yes, 'tis.
