Y'all... this job is already SO AMAZING!
There will be lots and lots of time to tell you details later once i am more settled, but wow. I have been so very welcomed and helped- it really is unique from any other work experience i have ever had.
Sure, this is the week where i feel useless; having to learn the ropes as opposed to actually contributing anything. Next week will start to usher in my participation and, hopefully, skillful assistance.
I didn't get the chance to go buy a new "first day of work outfit" like I'd hoped, but i'm sure i'll find some time for it this weekend. :) what with all the bday money and brand new gainful employment and all. what's that you say? i need to get out of debt first? oh yeah. well... TARGET it is with my new gift certif!
Check out Emma if you haven't already- they're (wait.. is it we're now?!) pretty doggone amazing. www.myemma.com
peace out. time for bed! Three blogs in a row! that's got to be some sort of a record!
So. One of (Emma's) your new clients, "Family Talk Magazine" is based out of Harrisonburg, VA. I don't think it's coincidence. It's fate. You probably need to take a trip here so you can make sure they are well taken care of. Just a thought . . .
The Don
done. any opportunity to kick it whichyoo, the don. sorry i didn't call on my trip home! oopsie!
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