Thursday, April 22, 2010

... or high water.

So, if you are like me and stay abreast of weather predictions, you know that this is what the weekend looks like:
That's right. Thunderstorms.

While we hoop.

For 13 miles.

We'll see how that goes...

Nevertheless, here are pics of Kelly, Mallory, Jess and Me picking up our packets.

This is Bob. He gave me my packet. What a stud.

Here's Amy. We did Level Two together and she was smart enough to bring her hoop to pick up her registration packet! So cute.


 Here we are being awesome, obviously

now the real deal

 So, y'all... just pray that rain away. We're doing this thing come hell er high water.

1 comment:

Kari said...

so i have a question, is hoop walking just hula hooping while you walk? if it is, that sounds like a great work-out! i hope it stays dry for you, or at least doesn't thunder and lightning :)