Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It is offish!

I am hooping the half marathon in April! Country Music Marathon, here we come!

...and by "we", I mean me and 99 of my favorite hula hooping friends.

Not only will it be a really fun journey of training, bonding and doing something so fun that it is impossible to be in a bad mood while doing it. I will also be working to benefit "Hooping for Hope!"

HFH exists to reignite the female spirit in women who have defeated the odds and survived breast cancer. They've acknowledged, going in to treatment, they may die... they aren't prepared for what happens when they survive. It sounds like treatment can be very lonely and strips a woman of what makes her feel feminine. THIS is a great opportunity to love on these ladies, give them a fun past time, a community of support and remind them of the lovely spirit within them.


So, who knew I could hula hoop... and it would matter?!

1 comment:

freshie (and zero) said...

So dude - when are we going to hoop together?? I'm not doing any crazy marathons, but I'll take a leisurely hoop walk with you!