Monday, July 21, 2008

Time to Wake

again i have done it. i have made you wait a long time for another installment of the life and times of one kelley kirker. sorry. i have a good reason, but that's of no concern when it comes to the heartache of disappointing a faithful readership. but i shall share it nonetheless...

As some of us our Facebook (legal Internet voyeurism) friends, you may have noticed that i "said goodbye to a dream" last week. well, the truth is, it is a huge disappointment to me. I, owner and operator of Organize Nashville, must put it on the back burner for a time. It is a result of necessity. in our lovely economy, there is little room for what is considered a luxury, i suppose. that being said, yours truly has had little to no work for nearly a month now... that makes it hard to, say... buy things. like rent. so, for the sake of making an adult decision in favor of survival, i choose to hunt for a well-paying, not miserable job. sadly, it will likely have to be in the realm of secretarial (though my old boss Ben would be first to tell you this is probably not wise) but that is where all my experience lies.

If you are a praying person, would you consider praying for me? This is a time for faith in my life. a time to cling to Truth and be reminded and comforted by my God's love and provision for me... only, i am much too stressed and self-centered to see any of that right now. to be honest, this is a low point in the faith spectrum for me. just gotta be honest. fellow believers in Jesus- please pray for me. i need it and don't even know exactly what to ask you to pray for. hows that for clarity? but, thank you so much...

i had a cool experience at church last night. my church is SO FREAKING AMAZING. it is pure community. on the heels of a crazy upside down week (albeit by a pool while house sitting), i get myself to church where i listen to a sermon i can't remember much about. sure, i got some points about forgiveness and what it looks like to surrender your rights to reminding yourself of wrongs, etc. the reason i didn't catch all of it is because i was running scenarios in my mind- like a coach on the field. i was considering all possible options for how to make some specific ends meet this week. i get snapped out of it just as Craig quickly assigns a few people to pray with people in the back of the church during communion. well... he asked me. i get myself back there and feel totally humbled by the prospect of being a point person for someone who needs prayer. i mean... I NEED IT. bad. so, along side me is an old friend Ben g. (whom i actually met in Mexico four years ago...i digress). Ben asks me how I'm doing and, in classic Kelley form, i put on a happy face and say, "really good". right. really good. mmm hmm. Ben nods and then i realize... this is not the time for acting. i muster up a, "that's not true at all"... and he says, "me neither". Needless to say, we prayed for each other during that time. I'm not sure if anyone came up for be prayed for, but we sure prayed for one another and it was just a beautiful picture to me. of grace. two people who needed prayer the most, perhaps... so it was neat.

as i ramble, i guess my overwhelming thought this morning is "operation get work". no time for following a dream any longer. no time for the luxury of self employment. it is time to wake from that dream (at least for now) and get some pay! i also need to, maybe for the first time, figure out what it looks like to literally live on a few bucks this week and trust that I'm not forgotten.


BeccaVZ said...

Sweet friend, I'll definitely be in prayer for you. And if you know nothing else, know this: I lurv you. And one other (perhaps even more important) thing. As Chuckles Veazey ALWAYS reminds anyone who will (or will not, though he may fail to notice that) listen to him:

Jehovah Jireh.

angela said...

St end -- We love you very much and I am pledging right now that Dottie and I will pray for you at least once a day all this week. I know, it seems like a small pledge, but I PROMISE that we will actually DO IT. Thanks for the update. You are loved. Imperfectly by a whole mess of people on this orb, but perfectly by the One who truly matters. Keep the faith.

Deborah Barnett said...

I am certainly praying. I have so been in your shoes... or shoeless... depending on your outlook.

Please, PLEASE do not hesitate to ask if you need anything. I am good at providing dinner and tasty beverages. You know, those little things that eat into your budget of nothing.

I will also keep my ears open for a job. One that will delight your heart and appease your bank account. If you want, feel free to email me your resume. I know a few peeps... and I'll see what I can do.

Mark, Marci, Zoe and Norah said...

Hey Kelley! This is Marci, Mark Timmons' sister! I stumbled upon your blog from Laurie Sun's blog & have had fun reading your posts!
I'll be praying for you in your job search!
Continue to trust that He will provide! Take care!

GJ said...

I'm taking you to lunch, is what I'm sayin'.

Kelley said...

thanks so much, friends. i am overwhelmed by your encouragement!

thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers!

kari said...

kelley! i almost cried when i read your post - actually i did which led to a really embarassing moment at work when a co-worker walked up and i had tears in my eyes. anyway, i was there about a month ago, no job, no prospect of a job, and i had to pay rent. so i, like your friend angela, will committ to praying for you every day. one piece of advice i do have is that if you haven't learned to receive already, get ready to, b/c God taught me a whole lot about that and still is. but i know He has something amazing in store for you and can't wait to hear/read about it!

The Armisteads said...

the armisteads are praying for you....we love, love, LOVE you.

amanda said...

you, my friend, are fabulous. LLC or no, you are the apple of many an eye. and you aren't alone in this. come lay your head on our pillow. heck, drink my gin. that's how much i wuv oo.

amanda said...

ummm.. that was Amanda W, by the way. not sure why it signed this with a cryptic "a". but hey, that's how i roll.

The Morginskys said...

oh kelly, i am just now reading this. so so sorry. your dream is a good one and will for sure come back around. want to go to lunch? :)

freshie (and zero) said...

I'm just reading this now, too. Girlfriend, like you said you're just putting a dream on hold. You're not saying goodbye to it so remember that. The good news is, ask and you shall receive - I have a feeling you're about to be bowled over by love, compassion, and maybe even some cash flow with a new job that you actually like... I can't wait to hear your thoughts on these next few months a year from now!