Tuesday, December 7, 2010

old habits...

...die hard. I can't always write stories, ok? (though, I have a great one cookin' for later this week.)

I just HAVE to share silly updates with you sometimes.

Have you ever seen such a perfect orange?

Didn't think so.

Also, I'm going to get to see Garth Brooks* next week. With Hilda and Naters.

That is all.


*its worth noting that I was less than eager to attend at first. But then homey went and sold out 9 shows... and people from neighboring states are coming. I started to think it may be something kinda epic. If nothing else, I'll be with some besties. And drunk cowboys. Everybody wins.


Rebecca M. said...

You might be one of the top 2 funniest people I know.

Emilie said...

I am coming to see Garth too! The first/last time I saw him, the drunk cowboy behind me kept yelling, "Hell yah Garth! Hell yah!"

Chelsea Lesniewski said...

i am a green with jealous rage right now. - dave (hot rod)... BUT SERIOUSLY.

Catherine said...

I bet it's one of your favorite shows! Really. I saw him in 1991 (lord I'm old) when he was just getting popular- a friend's mom drove us down to Charlotte for the concert. It was AWESOME!

HANNA {the contented soul} said...

The hubs and I are going next week. At first I wasn't too thrilled either, but now I'm intrigued and slightly excited!