Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hi friends!

I missed you. I mean that. There has been stuff that I wanted to share with you over the last week and that tells me that this space has become more than simply an outlet. Its a place I look forward to investing in and then, sometimes, talking with a few of you (in real life!) about those things.

So, you should know I've missed you. I'm better for my little hiatus, so thanks for affording me that. I needed it.

I have had my batteries recharged in numerous ways- some too precious to me to share here BUT I will share a few. You will not be surprised to learn that that some of that refreshment came to me through people... my people. I have have deep, meaningful talks with Kristin (per usual. I will say it again... HOW do you people not have a twin?), Katherine (got to meet baby Olivia and that just made things complete. What an angel!!), Emily (and that was a triple header.... Traci, Holly, Meagan, and Em all at once!! BTW- happy bday, T!), etc. It left me feeling very loved and I just can't say enough about that.

In totally unrelated news, I am endlessly amazed by the flow of traffic I see on my beloved blog. I spend so much time wondering about you. I see Saskatoon, Toronto (i LOVE Canada, so this does my heart good), some international cities I can't even pronounce, LOTS of traffic from Birmingham, and even small towns around my hometown in Charleston. Its a total riot to imagine who you are and what you do. I wish this blog went both ways. What if, in exchange for getting a glimpse (or stare, really) into my world, I got a glimpse of yours? That would be so lovely and more fair, some how. :)

OK, time to go enjoy the rest of my Sunday. I just wanted to let you know I'm back and you can expect to hear from me tomorrow. I have some good pics of late.


1 comment:

Jackie said...

Kristin probably turned them all on to the blog like she did me! ;-)