Monday, March 30, 2009

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

SOME of your dreams will be coming true this coming month.

I say "some" for a specific reason. Not because only some will come true. Some because a few of you (aka Mom, Dad, Kristin/Chad and maybe John Cochran) will perceive my next statement as a dream come true... Ludacris (spelling intentional) as that may seem.

I am going to blog for every day in April!!

Some coworkers and I have a "blog challenge" going on to dust off our writing chops and concentrate our efforts for the month of April. Who knows what it will lead to? No one. That's who. Maybe enlightenment, maybe excessive ridiculousness and maybe a new found love for the discipline of it all.

Join me, won't you?

If Annie doesn't mind, I will be borrowing her theme of plowing through the alphabet for themes. We'll be starting on Wednesday, April 1st (no, seriously.. hehe) with the letter A for "anticipation". I can sense your anticipation. Get excited!! :)

See ya on the interwebs, my dahlings!


Becca said...

i, for one, am thrilled. bring it, sister.

hootenannie said...

More KK blogs?

Yes, please.

Also, I would be HONORED if you took the A-Z idea and ran with it. A is for Awesome, Adorable, Amazing, and Annie.

Also, LOVING the Emma-endorsed blogging!

JC said...

um...maybe? maybe, she says? have we met???

if this promise is a damnable april fools joke, i will drive my ass to nashville and find allison and convince her to help me leave pedro the easter bunny's severed head in your bed.

and there will be NO kissing on the lips if this little scenario plays out. don't be disappointed, a kiss on the lips in this case would mean imminent and impending death.

can't wait to read the wit and brilliance...wink wink!

Kim said...

I'm doing a photo a day.... certainly don't post them daily though... that would be a fantastic -yet lofty- goal!! <3