You may be thinking that i am just really jumping the gun with the ushering out of Spring and the arrival of Summer (which, if you live anywhere south of Bangor, Maine- may come as a shock to you that Summer has not even begun yet! the real heat is on its way!)
Nay, friends. Nay. What i speak of is the end of a couple "seasons" in the life of one Kelley
For starters, today is the last day i will be keeping Lucie. The little
goosebump will now be under the care of others- namely her parents. It was time for the transition, folks. Not only do i need to pursue organizing full time, but it also became a situation that i needed to evacuate. I am extremely sad to be leaving the baby as i have become totally attached to her little cute self. (
sidenote: WHO knew that was possible?!) Because i am so convinced of this being the right decision, i feel confident that the Lord will provide the next step and already has, but it is still sad.
Next, i am slowly coping with the notion of a Nashville without Sarah June McCoy. My
bloggership, if we have met in person, you know the significance this person has had in my life over the last three years. She made Nashville a desirable and peaceful place to be. I was fairly sure, in spring of '05, that i could leave the Music City and no one would notice. Until i met SJ and the
Laudy Ladies. I was so very welcomed! In the last three years, SJ and i have had countless adventures, last second trips to exotic locations like... Birmingham, big girl beers, more concerts than i can count, hours upon hours of real conversation, probably walked 200 miles in our neighborhood, team babysitting, team house sitting, youth group trips, movies on the blow up mattress, a veritable tour of the restaurants in Nashville and surrounding counties, buckets of tears, and three years of laughter. I am positive we will stay in close touch- that's never been the question.
i'm just so sad to lose the day-in and day-out interaction. I am so grateful for the things June has taught me and i really can't believe everything is changing, but i am SO excited for her transition to Atlanta. Time with her family and the new amazing job will be so worth it. Plus, we'll
skype, so it'll all be
ok. ha.
So, before all of these thoughts bring me to projectile tears or rocking in a corner with a drink telling myself "its five o'clock somewhere",
i'll lighten things up for a moment. we all know that means
i'll share a story for your reading pleasure and my (would-be) shame:
Yesterday i walked 6 miles on a treadmill because i didn't want to stop watching a
tv show. lets hear it for technological advances at the Middle TN
YMCAs! The best part is that the show i couldn't peel myself away from was none other than a vintage episode of "The
Bachelorette". ya know... the one with Trista and Ryan! i had never seen it... until yesterday on the treadmill while others waited patiently. i wanted to say, "hold your horses...
i'm living vicariously!" but figured that would make me look a tad pitiful. ;)
So, friends,
heres the baton pass of seasons, both literal and symbolic, and doing so with gratitude, hope, and anticipation!