Monday, June 8, 2009

Growing Up

It stand to reason that, in light of the fact that I (a) love number patterns and (b) just reached my 222nd post, I salute my childhood home!

Irongate was the neighborhood that was the setting for such things as having my very own room, styling enormous bangs and taking prom pictures on the back deck... among countless others. It was more than a cozy home- it was a haven, really. Mom and dad made Savannah Round the perfect home. I had gardenias under my window- did you know that? It is still my favorite smell in the universe. I called 222 Savannah Round home from 3rd grade until three years out of college- 16 great years! When mom and dad broke the news of their move, I hardly had a frame of reference for another residence to bear the name home. I have never really given Salisbury, NC (their current address) a chance, to be fair. I am sure it has great elements... I just know none of them are a match for the lowcountry and all her charms. But can any other place be home...?

Here's to you, precious house, you delicious barrel of memories and backdrop for joy, you.

(me in front of old glory- my room out of sight and over my right shoulder)


michelle said...

so many memories in that house! :) it seems like SO long ago, doesn't it?? crazy.

Mark and Rachel said...

All I know is I wrote a whole lot of letters to that address :)

Kelley said...

I sure remember that, B! Wasn't yours 6283 Hopkins in Mentor? Where did that come from in my brain??
